Suitable for all levels of yogis and climbers, this Yoga - Climbing course is specially designed for the needs of climbers. It will allow you to improve your climbing as well as your balance, mobility, flexibility, core-strength and will also help develop greater awareness during your climbing practice.


Course content
Verankerung / Atemzüge
Herzstück einer Sitzung zu einem Thema: z. B. Atmung, Verankerung, Gleichgewicht, Beweglichkeit, Flexibilität, Stärkung der tiefen und antagonistischen Muskeln, Konzentration, Körperbewusstsein...
Klettern: Umsetzung des Themas bzw. der Themen, die zuvor in der Yogastunde behandelt wurden, in die Praxis beim Klettern.
Cool down (Yoga)
Entspannung (Savasana)
No prior knowledge required
To take with
Sports clothing and to drink
Registrations can be made on no later than one day before the course.
There are currently no "Yoga and climbing" classes scheduled in this gym.
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